Divorce - More Than Marriage
We often hear people saying that "God hates divorce" and "what God has brought together let no man separate", and over the yeas the church has been very hard on people who have suffered a divorce. But what if Jesus wasn't merely referring to the marriage covenant? What about all of the other things God has brought together?
Love the Lord your God with all that you have, and love your neighbour as yourself? I know that I can't say I love God and hate my brother? But how can I say I have love for my brother if I have no relationship with the God of love who is the giver of all things? The two are inseparable!
What about Worship and Justice?
Faith and Works?
Hearing and Doing?
Forgiveness (Healing) and Confession?
Knowing Jesus (Intimacy) and Remembering the Poor (Invitation)?
Receiving and Giving?
Can I receive God's gifts but not His plan? Can I proclaim that 'all have sinned' and need the saving work of Jesus while concealing my sin for fear of losing my credibility? Can I experience intimacy with Jesus and deny the poor at my door? Can I experience revelation and forgo a response?
God has entrenched so many of His principles together and so often I try to encounter them in isolation. I try to bypass God's law, his divine unions and sneak in for a free one! The best I can relate it to is the man trying to experience a deep sexual relationship outside of a marriage covenant - it's just not going to happen! God has things bound together for a reason, to fulfill HIS plan (and obviously not ours!), and when we separate them they not only lose their beauty, they become activities that lead to death.
What was intended for our pleasure, for abundant life, has turned into something that will kill us! We have stepped out of God's design and remodeled it to suit our own liking. (Sounds a lot like the North American view of sex!)
What do you think?
That is interesting, but also true. You can't separate those things, but what is more - you can't separate the attributes and characteristics of God either. Although many people tend to. God is wholly love, but He is 100% Holy as well. Fully grace and mercy, yet also the King and Judge of the world. Basically He is 100% of every trait, lacking in nothing.
Amos 3:6 ...When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?
Proverbs 21:1 The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.
Sometimes, well almost all the time this is a hard concept to understand. But strangely comforting, yet scary. Frankly a nice place to be.
11:44 PM CDT
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