Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What Is In God's House?

As a worship leader, pastor and musician I often encounter intersting view points on what worship is, how it should look (or sound) and what each person is comfortable doing or expressing as worship. Over the past week I have had a couple of people make the following statement to me, 'worship isn't just singing!', and it got me thinking.

My first thought was, 'where does this comment come from?'. I suppose this statement is common today because so many of our worship leaders are saying things like "worship is more than singing, it's your whole life!" (which I agree with whole heartedly!). In fact I have a friend who just wrote a book about worship as a lifestyle. But I think it is more than our worship leaders who are selling that message, I believe it is also because we live in an age of relative truth and extreme personal freedom. A world were the 'nobody can tell me what to do' attitude reigns supreme. I could even go as far as saying that it is a subversive ploy by the enemy to keep us from encountering the transcendent! But the truth is I don't know all the reasons behind the question, but I do understand one important thing - singing is a divinely ordained activity that can not go untouched!

I want to ask a simple question. What's in your house?

I believe you can tell a lot about a person by what's in their house (or apartment), or better yet, what's in your room? Generally speaking people surround themselves with things that they love. It may be dictated by the size of your home, or the amount of disposable income you have. But we all find ways of surrounding ourselves with the things that make us happy/comfortable. And so our home environment says a lot about what things give us pleasure!

The musician will have her piano or stereo.
The naturalist will have flowers (and probably lots of windows)
The thinker will have a library full of books.
The outdoorsman will have his bear skin rug and deer head

We all surround ourselves with things that inspire us, fill us and provide the most passion and joy.

So I have to ask myself the question, what has God surrounded himself with? After all, God created everything and can therefore surround himself with ANYTHING he could possibly want. What did he choose? What did God fill heaven with?

Well we don't know all the details of heaven, but one thing we do know is that there is lots of singing! In the book of Revelation we have an account of the four living creatures singing a new song (Rev 5:9), every living creature singing together (Rev 5:13), the 144,000 singing another new song (14:3), the seven angels sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb (15:3).

(Interestingly enough, wee also know that God the Father rejoices over us with singing (Zeph 3:17) and that King David was a song writer/singer and God describes him as a 'man after my own heart'.)

Singing must be one of God's favourite things! Why else would he sing over us! Why else would he have all of creation sing to Him in heaven!! Unless you hold to a 'God punishes himself to get pleasure' theology, it would seem quite clear that God loves singing!

So why is it good when we sing together? Because it reflects our destiny. Because we are made in God's likeness and therefore are designed to love and do the things he loves. Because singing carries a divine characteristic of God that nothing else expresses (much like sex!). In singing we find a mysterious encounter with God's heart. We also find a vehicle in which every living thing can join in unity of heart, mind, soul and strength. Singing is one of the greatest universal languages and expressions of joy, passion and sorrow. Is there any wonder why stations with a musical format dominate our radios, MTV dominates our TV, and MP3 players and iTunes define our modern culture! We were made to sing!

How many of us have gone to a funeral and sang the deceased persons favourite song? I know I have and it is incredibly moving! (Try that with a bear skin rug or a vase of flowers!). We all have 'our songs', songs that say the things we wish we could say. Kids sing when they are happy. We love to sing in the shower, our cars and often in the foolishness of first love. It is the essence of joy expressed. It is freedom. It is passion. It is beauty. It is divine!

Are there other ways to express worship? Yes! But when it comes to touching the heart of God in corporate worship the sing along reigns supreme. Why? Becuase that's the way God designed it. The earthly is designed to reflect the heavenly.

So the next time you are on the verge of checking out of a worship service because you aren't the "singing type", ask yourself this question "What is in God's house?"

Happy singing!


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