Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Difference Between Is and As

Have you ever heard people talk about "Life as Worship" - the understanding that everything we do is an act of worship towards God? I was thinking about that statement today and wanted to make a very simple, yet critical, observation.

There is a HUGE difference between "Life AS Worship" and "Life IS Worship".

Unfortunately many of us have mistaken IS for AS and are living our lives under the false impression that everything we do IS worship - simply because we are Christians! Now it is true that everything we do CAN be worship, but that doesn't mean that everything we do IS worship!

Let me explain.

Just because...
...I'm in a room with Christians doesn't mean we're worshiping
...there is a song in my heart doesn't mean I am worshiping
...I'm on a hike doesn't mean I've worshiped the God of Creation
...I feel warm fuzzies from a song doesn't mean I'm worshiping
...I went to church this week...

You get the point! In order for our lives to BE worship, we must DO worship.

We must do more than simply engage in activity, we must be engaged in the very activity that God calls us to, in the way that he calls to do it and then do it out of a heart that credits Him with the glory! Worship is our response to who God is, and we can not respond to Him without having an interaction WITH Him. (Just like being around my wife doesn't communicate to her how much I love and appreciate her! If it did, I wouldn't have a need to write her notes, buy her thougthful gifts, hug her, kiss her and shower affection on her!)

I don't say this to strike fear in our hearts, I simply want to raise this question:

Are we assuming our life IS worship, or are we engaging our lives AS worship?

I'd love your thoughts!


Blogger Yvonne Parks said...

This takes me back to past church experiences...

I remember hearing people saying things like "Being a Mom to your kids is worship". or "Painting is worship" or "this radio song is as much worship as that 'worshippy' tune"

I've always had a problem with that.

Now...I understand the concept of doing things as unto the Lord. When I don't feel like getting my kid her hot chocolate for the umpteenth time...and yet because I love her, and I want to serve her...I get it. It is a act that is worshipful, in the same way servant hood is worship. But is it the act that is worship? or the posture of my heart?

If I paint a picture, and I'm thinking about the movie I saw last night, or how to get these colors just that worship? Doesn't worship entail an act of the heart? A God-focus? I believe I can worship with art, if my heart is in a state of meditation on just WHO I'm worshiping.

So now to the radio-tune. Again, the heart focus...right? But then I wonder: "If you are focusing on God while singing that radio tune (in church by the way) then why not just do a song that deliberately talks of Him? (Instead of something cryptic) Or better yet...write something yourself! Grand idea!

We have watered down worship to be anything and everything we do. Taking a crap is not worship. Worship is relational...deliberate...and many times, a sacrifice (Sacrifices aren't fun, and by definition....they hurt!)

Those are my thoughts.

By the way Jon....I'm waiting for a post that I dis-agree with.....but haven't seen one so far....


10:24 AM CST


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