Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

Friday, March 17, 2006

In the Beginning

After some prompting by my lovely wife I have decided to start posting my journal entries online. So, this is the beginning of my blog. I hope you find my thoughts both entertaining and inspiring.


8 Seconds

Last week my wife and I were waiting for our twins to be born. For me it couldn't come soon enough and I couldn't help but make the connection between waiting for these lives to be born and the longing I have to see God's kingdom be established on this earth. It seemed both of these would take an eternity to get here and with each day my anticipation (and frustration) grew.

Well our twins were finally born last Sunday and what a great joy! Now I am left longing for the arrival of the kingdom. We induced labour to bring our girls into this world - could I induce the arrival of the kingdom? And if so, how long would it take? As I thought about this I was reminded of something I heard a few years ago.

"The most important thing you will do today is 'choose'."

You will choose what to say
You will choose were to go
You will choose who to befriend
You will choose what things are important to you
You will choose how to spend your time
You will choose whether to speak life or death
And You will choose whom you serve

In short, everything we choose (or don't choose) to participate in has a direct and lasting affect on our lives and the lives of those around us. Creating the spiritual and physical envoirnment in which we live out our lives.

It is our choices that largely determine our future, our character and our impact on the world - and the majority of those choices will be made within the confines of our daily routines.

Take your classic encounter with a pan-handler. I see him. He sees me. I make an assumption as to his character and current situation. He asks me if I have spare change and before I even check my pockets I have determined if I will give him any money (and probably how much it will be). In a brief moment I have chosen whether to engage a fellow human, engage in his life, listen to his story and potentially meet his needs. I have chosen whether I will manifest the light of Jesus or hide my light under a basket.

I encounter countless situations just like this every day. Opportunites to reshape a broken world. Opportunities to be light into dark places. To speak words that heal, extend hands that comfort and administer the power of heaven on earth. Not by being some kind of spiritual giant who sees the future, walks on water or raises the dead - but by making simple choices that allow God's power to be manifest on the earth.

Choosing to love my wife
Choosing to love my neighbour
Choosing to return kindness instead of anger
Choosing to share my wealth
Choosing to listen instead of speak
Choosing to be Jesus

So how long will I have to wait to see God's kingdom come on the earth? About the same amount of time it takes for me to encounter that pan-handler...

8 Seconds!